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Volume 6, Issue 9

    Views: 0 Downloads: 7
    • 人本视角下的产品可持续设计理论探究

    • 人本视角下的产品可持续设计理论探究
    • Vol. 6, Issue 9, Pages: 90-91(2022)   

      Published: 2022

    • DOI:10.12184/wspcyycx2WSP2516-415532.20220609    

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  • 车轶轩. 人本视角下的产品可持续设计理论探究. [J]. 创意与创新(Chuang yi yu chuang xin)
    Creativity and Innovation(Chinese Version), 2022,6(9):90-91.
    DOI: 10.12184/wspcyycx2WSP2516-415532.20220609.

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