Volume 3, Issue 6
Is There Any Mental Illness that is not Ultimately Physical?
- Vol. 3, Issue 6, Pages: 70-74(2022)
Published: 25 June 2022
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Volume 3, Issue 6
Jinan Foreign Language School, Jinan Shandong 250000, P.R. China
Published: 25 June 2022 ,
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Zhang Chuyue.Is There Any Mental Illness that is not Ultimately Physical?[J].Theory and Practice of Science and Technology,2022,03(06):70-74.
Zhang Chuyue.Is There Any Mental Illness that is not Ultimately Physical?[J].Theory and Practice of Science and Technology,2022,03(06):70-74. DOI: 10.47297/taposatWSP2633-456911.20220306.
Research interest concerning mental illness has been on the rise in recent years
which is intensified by the outbreak of the Covid-19. In spite of being an equally crucial part of life
mental health is different from and yet intertwined with physical health. This paper investigates whether there is any mental illness that is not ultimately physical. By firstly introducing the definition
characteristics and diagnosis of mental illness
the paper examines the non-physical antecedents
consequences and treatments of mental illness to delineate a thorough picture. The paper then uses the example of Binge Eating Disorder to further demonstrate that there is mental illness that can be ultimately non-physical. The findings of this paper provide certain insights into mental illness's diagnosis and treatment.
Mental illness diagnosisAntecedence consequence and treatmentBinge Eating Disorder
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