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Embracing Digital Transformation for Sustainable Development: The Synergy between Learning Organizations, Human Resource Management, and Service Quality

Volume 14, Issue 3

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    • Embracing Digital Transformation for Sustainable Development: The Synergy between Learning Organizations, Human Resource Management, and Service Quality

    • Vol. 14, Issue 3, Pages: 3-17(2023)   
    • DOI:10.47297/wspchrmWSP2040-800501.20231403    

    Full txt

  • Sharma Ramesh C,Kohli Deepika.Embracing Digital Transformation for Sustainable Development: The Synergy between Learning Organizations, Human Resource Management, and Service Quality[J].Journal of Chinese Human Resources Management,2023,14(03):3-17. DOI: 10.47297/wspchrmWSP2040-800501.20231403.

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Faculty of Tourism, Tourism Research and Development Center, Near East University
Faculty of Tourism, University of Kyrenia