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The Relationship between Transformational Leadership Style, Job Creativity and Job Performance Outcomes of Employees in Vietnamese Startup Enterprises

Volume 15, Issue 2

    Views: 0 Downloads: 60
    • The Relationship between Transformational Leadership Style, Job Creativity and Job Performance Outcomes of Employees in Vietnamese Startup Enterprises

    • Vol. 15, Issue 2, Pages: 55-69(2024)   

      Published: 15 April 2024

    • DOI:10.47297/wspchrmWSP2040-800503.20241502    

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  • Tran, H. M. N., Le, D. V., Que, A. P. N., Chau, T. N., & Thao, T. L. T. (2024). The relationship between transformational leadership style, job creativity and job performance outcomes of employees in Vietnamese startup enterprises.Journal of Chinese Human Resources Management, 15(2), 55-69. DOI: 10.47297/wspchrmWSP2040-800503.20241502.

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