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What the Present Situation of Kindergarten Sports Activities has Caused the Pre-school Teacher Training to Ponder

Volume 7, Issue 1

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    • What the Present Situation of Kindergarten Sports Activities has Caused the Pre-school Teacher Training to Ponder

    • Vol. 7, Issue 1, Pages: 30-33(2023)   
    • DOI:10.47297/wspiedWSP2516-250005.20230701    

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  • Qiu Jian, Shengfeng Zhang. What the Present Situation of Kindergarten Sports Activities has Caused the Pre-school Teacher Training to Ponder. [J]. Journal of International Education and Development 7(1):30-33(2023) DOI: 10.47297/wspiedWSP2516-250005.20230701.

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Chengdu University, Normal Faculty
Chengdu University Teachers College
Changsha Normal College
Huanggang Normal University
Wuhan University of Arts and Science