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Construction of Online-Offline Mixed Teaching Mode of College Physics in the New Era

Volume 6, Issue 7

    Views: 0 Downloads: 6
    • Construction of Online-Offline Mixed Teaching Mode of College Physics in the New Era

    • Vol. 6, Issue 7, Pages: 182-186(2022)   
    • DOI:10.47297/wspiedWSP2516-250036.20220607    

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  • Yun Ding. Construction of Online-Offline Mixed Teaching Mode of College Physics in the New Era. [J]. Journal of International Education and Development 6(7):182-186(2022) DOI: 10.47297/wspiedWSP2516-250036.20220607.

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School of Electronic and Information Engineering (Department of Physics), Qilu University of Technology (Shandong Academy of Sciences)
Department of Fundamental Subjects , Xinjiang University of Science & Technology