Dong Wang. (2023). On the Creative Use of Imagery in D. H. Lawrence’s Poetry. Creativity and Innovation, 7(1), 70-74. DOI: 10.47297/wspciWSP2516-252713.20230701.
On the Creative Use of Imagery in D. H. Lawrence’s Poetry
The use of imagery is of great necessity. The creative use of imagery is one important artistic feature of Lawrence’s poetry. By using imagery creatively
Lawrence can precisely convey the nature of things
illustrate an abstract concept
express his deep thoughts
deepen the theme of poems
add poetic flavor to a poem
contribute to the perfection of poems
make a poem more vivid and memorable
improve readers’ insight
expand the space of imagination
give readers a deep impression and strike a chord with the readers. Lawrence often uses such rhetorical devices as simile and personification in his poems
which can create concrete and distinct imagery and make readers better grasp what he wants to convey. By creatively using imagery
the related poems of Lawrence have achieved marvelous artistic effect.
D. H. LawrencePoetryImageryCreativity
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